Verein (Club)

Verein (Club)


Verein refers to a club, organization, or association in German. It is a collective group of individuals who share a common interest, goal, or activity and come together to pursue it. Verein can range from sports clubs, cultural associations, hobby groups, or professional organizations.


The opposite of a Verein is an Einzelgänger (loner), someone who prefers to remain independent and does not seek membership in any group or organization.


Synonyms for Verein include Klub (club), Organisation (organization), Gilde (guild), Genossenschaft (cooperative), or Verband (association).


  1. Der Fußballverein (soccer club) trifft sich jeden Montagabend zum Training.
  2. In meiner Stadt gibt es einen Kaninchenzüchterverein (rabbit breeding club), dem ich beigetreten bin.
  3. Der Musikverein (music association) veranstaltet jedes Jahr ein Konzert in der Stadthalle.

In conclusion, Verein represents the concept of a club or organization in German, providing a platform for individuals to come together, collaborate, and pursue common interests or goals. Whether it’s a sports club, cultural association, or hobby group, Verein plays an essential role in fostering community, connections, and shared experiences.\ Visit

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