


Vergleich is a German word that translates to “comparison” in English. It is derived from the verb “vergleichen,” which means “to compare.” The word is commonly used to indicate the act of examining similarities and differences between two or more things.


When talking about opposites of Vergleich, we can consider “Kontrast” (contrast) as the antonym. While Vergleich focuses on identifying similarities, Kontrast emphasizes highlighting differences between the objects being compared.


  • Die Professorin betonte den Vergleich zwischen den beiden politischen Systemen. (The professor emphasized the comparison between the two political systems.)
  • Der Journalist zog den Kontrast zwischen Arm und Reich in der Gesellschaft. (The journalist drew the contrast between the rich and the poor in society.)


Synonyms for Vergleich include:

  1. Gleichsetzung: This term also refers to a comparison, but it implies more of an equalization between the objects being compared.
  2. Analogie: This word denotes a comparison that identifies similarities and can be used to explain or understand one concept by referring to another.
  3. Parallele: A term that implies a comparison between two things that run parallel to each other, often used to highlight similarities or common traits.


  • Die Lehrerin machte eine Gleichsetzung zwischen Mathematik und Physik. (The teacher made a comparison between mathematics and physics.)
  • Der Redner zog eine interessante Analogie zwischen dem menschlichen Gehirn und einem Computer. (The speaker made an interesting analogy between the human brain and a computer.)
  • Der Autor zog eine Parallele zwischen dem Aufstieg des Imperiums und heutigen politischen Entwicklungen. (The author drew a parallel between the rise of the empire and contemporary political developments.)

In conclusion, Vergleich is a versatile word that allows us to explore the similarities and differences between different objects, ideas, or concepts. It is an essential tool in communication, enabling us to understand and explain complex topics. Whether it’s through contrast, analogies, or finding parallels, Vergleich helps us gain new insights and deepen our understanding.\ Visit

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