

Verrückt is a German word that can be translated to English as “crazy” or “insane”. It belongs to a group of words that are used to describe extreme states of mind or behavior.

Definitions: Verrückt is often used to describe somebody who is not behaving in a rational or normal way. It can be used to describe a person’s mental state or behavior, as well as events or situations that are unusual or out of the ordinary. For example, “Die Idee, nackt im Schnee zu baden, ist wirklich verrückt!” translates to “The idea of bathing naked in the snow is really crazy!”

Opposites: The opposite of verrückt is often considered to be “normal” or “sane”. These two words describe a state of mind or behavior that is rational and grounded in reality. For example, “Sie verhielt sich normal, als sie von der bevorstehenden Prüfung hörte” translates to “She acted normal when she heard about the upcoming exam.”

Synonyms: There are several words in German that are similar in meaning to verrückt. Some of these include “wahnsinnig”, “irr” and “verrücktes Huhn”. These words are all used to describe states of mind or behavior that are extreme or unusual.

Examples: Here are a few examples of verrückt being used in context:

  • “Ich glaube, er ist völlig verrückt geworden, als er von der Trennung erfahren hat” translates to “I think he went completely crazy when he found out about the break-up.”
  • “Das ist das verrückteste Geschenk, das ich je bekommen habe!” translates to “This is the craziest gift I have ever received!”
  • “Manchmal muss man etwas Verrücktes tun, um glücklich zu sein” translates to “Sometimes you have to do something crazy to be happy.”\ Visit

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