Verwandtschaft (Family)

Verwandtschaft (Family)

Verwandtschaft (Family) is an essential term in German that refers to the relationship between individuals who are connected by blood or marriage. Let’s explore the different definitions, opposites, synonyms, and examples associated with this word.


  • Verwandtschaft refers to the group of people who are related to each other by birth, such as parents, siblings, grandparents, and other relatives.
  • It also encompasses individuals who are connected through marriage, such as in-laws, step-parents, or step-siblings.
  • Verwandtschaft can also denote the state or condition of being related to someone, highlighting the familial bond and connection between individuals.


  • Fremdheit (Strangeness): Whereas Verwandtschaft denotes closeness and familiarity, Fremdheit represents the opposite, indicating a lack of familial connection or affinity.
  • Distanz (Distance): In contrast to the intimate nature of Verwandtschaft, Distanz signifies a certain emotional or physical separation between individuals, highlighting a notable absence of family ties.


  • Familie (Family): While Verwandtschaft emphasizes the wider network of relatives, Familie specifically refers to the core unit consisting of parents and children living together.
  • Sippe (Kinship): Sippe is often used as a synonym for Verwandtschaft, emphasizing the extended family or a broader group of relatives beyond the immediate family unit.


Here are a few instances illustrating the usage of Verwandtschaft:

  1. “Meine Verwandtschaft ist aus ganz Deutschland angereist, um meinen Geburtstag zu feiern.” (My family has traveled from all over Germany to celebrate my birthday.)
  2. “In unserer Verwandtschaft gibt es viele Cousinen und Cousins.” (There are many cousins in our extended family.)
  3. “Durch meine Heirat habe ich nun eine große Verwandtschaft, die ich vorher nicht hatte.” (Through my marriage, I now have a large extended family that I did not have before.)

In summary, Verwandtschaft (Family) encompasses the wide network of individuals who are related either by blood or marriage in the German language. Understanding the various definitions, opposites, synonyms, and examples associated with this word allows us to appreciate the importance of familial bonds and connections in German culture.\ Visit

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