


“Vorsichtig” is a German word that translates to “cautious” in English. It is an adjective derived from the noun “Vorsicht,” which means “caution” or “care.”

Opposites and Synonyms

  • Opposites: Some antonyms for “vorsichtig” include “leichtsinnig” (careless) and “unvorsichtig” (reckless).
  • Synonyms: Some synonyms for “vorsichtig” include “behutsam” (careful), “umsichtig” (circumspect), and “sorgfältig” (thorough).


  1. Sei bitte vorsichtig beim Überqueren der Straße. (Please be cautious when crossing the road.)
  2. Er ist sehr vorsichtig beim Umgang mit heiklen Themen. (He is very careful when dealing with sensitive topics.)
  3. Die Polizisten gingen vorsichtig in Richtung des verdächtigen Autos. (The police officers approached the suspicious car cautiously.)

Overall, the term “vorsichtig” emphasizes the importance of taking care and being cautious in various situations. Whether it involves personal safety, decision-making, or handling sensitive matters, being vorsichtig is an essential trait to maintain an attentive and considerate approach.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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