


“Wal” is a German noun that translates to the English term “whale.” It refers to a large marine mammal belonging to the order Cetacea. Whales are characterized by their streamlined bodies, blowholes on the top of their heads for breathing, and their ability to communicate via sounds.


The opposite of a “Wal” would be a “Fisch” (fish). While both are aquatic creatures, whales are mammals, while fish are cold-blooded vertebrates. Whales breathe through lungs like humans, while fish extract oxygen from the water through their gills.


Synonyms for “Wal” include “Meeressäuger” (marine mammal) and “Cetaceen” (cetacean). These terms encompass all marine mammals, including not only whales but also dolphins and porpoises.


  • Der Blauwal ist das größte Tier der Welt. (The blue whale is the largest animal in the world.)
  • Wale ernähren sich hauptsächlich von Plankton. (Whales feed primarily on plankton.)
  • Die Lautäußerungen von Walen werden oft als Gesänge bezeichnet. (The vocalizations of whales are often referred to as songs.)

Please note that this post is written in German and provides information about the word “Wal” as used in the German language.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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