- Flüssige Substanz, die farb-, geruchlos und geschmacklos ist.
- Feuer
- H2O
- Ich trinke gerne Wasser.\ Visit YouGlish.com— layout: post image: assets/images/posts/Wasser.png categories: [german] tags: [random, word] title: Wasser
Definition: Wasser is the German word for water, the clear liquid that forms the oceans, lakes, rivers, and rain. It is essential for all living organisms and makes up a large proportion of the human body.
Opposite: The opposite of Wasser could be considered as Trockenheit, which means drought or dryness. This refers to a lack of water in an area, causing the land and plants to become dry and parched.
Synonyms: Other synonyms for Wasser include Flüssigkeit (liquid), H2O (the chemical formula for water), and Aqua (the Latin word for water).
“Ich trinke jeden Tag mindestens zwei Liter Wasser.” (I drink at least two liters of water every day.)
“Das Wasser des Sees war klar und erfrischend.” (The water of the lake was clear and refreshing.)\ Visit YouGlish.com