

Wechselhaft is a German word commonly used to describe weather, but it can also refer to changes or fluctuations of various kinds. It is derived from “wechseln” (to change) and “haft” (like “-ful” in English).

Definitions & Examples

  • Weather: The most common use of wechselhaft is to describe unpredictable or changeable weather. For example, “Heute wird es wechselhaft sein, mit Sonne und Wolken, aber auch möglichen Schauern.” (Today will be changeable, with sun and clouds, but also possible showers.)

  • Moods: Wechselhaft can also be used to describe someone’s mood, indicating sudden and unexpected changes. For example, “Seine Stimmung ist sehr wechselhaft und schwer vorherzusehen.” (His mood is very changeable and hard to predict.)

  • Performance: Another use of wechselhaft is to describe someone’s professional or athletic performance that varies from time to time. For example, “Die Mannschaft war in der letzten Saison wechselhaft und hat mal gewonnen und mal verloren.” (The team was changeable last season and sometimes won and sometimes lost.)

Synonyms & Opposites

Wechselhaft has a few synonyms that can be used interchangeably in different contexts, including:

  • Unbeständig: This word means unstable or unreliable, and can also be used to describe weather or moods that change frequently.

  • Schwankend: Schwankend means fluctuating or oscillating, and can be used to describe prices, temperatures, or other types of variation.

The opposite of wechselhaft would be words like:

  • Konstant: Meaning constant or consistent.

  • Stabil: Meaning stable or firm.


Overall, wechselhaft is a versatile German word that can describe a variety of situations that involve change or fluctuation. Whether it’s the weather, one’s mood, or professional performance, wechselhaft can convey the idea of unpredictability and variation.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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