


Definition: The German word “wichtig” translates to “important” in English. It is used to describe something of significance or relevance.

Opposite: The opposite of “wichtig” is “unwichtig,” which means “unimportant” in English. This word is used to describe something that lacks significance or relevance.


  • Bedeutsam (meaningful)
  • Wesentlich (essential)
  • Relevant (relevant)


  1. Es ist wichtig, pünktlich zur Arbeit zu kommen. (It is important to arrive to work on time.)
  2. Die Präsentation war sehr wichtig für den Erfolg des Projekts. (The presentation was very important for the success of the project.)
  3. Die Information war nicht sehr wichtig für die Entscheidung. (The information was not very important for the decision.)\ Visit YouGlish.com

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