


Widerstand (noun) refers to the act of opposing or resisting something or someone. It can also denote the refusal to comply with certain demands, ideals, or authorities. The term is often used in the context of protests, revolutions, or civil disobedience against an established regime or oppressive system. Furthermore, Widerstand can also be understood as the physical or psychological force exerted in order to counteract an opposing force or obstacle.


  • Gehorsam (obedience): Unlike Widerstand, Gehorsam describes a state of submission or compliance with authority without resistance.
  • Zustimmung (approval): While Widerstand signifies resistance, Zustimmung denotes agreement or consent.


  • Protest: This term signifies a public expression of dissent or objection against a particular cause, policy, or action, often involving collective activities or demonstrations.
  • Opposition: Similar to Widerstand, opposition refers to the act of opposing or combating a person, group, or idea, typically within a political or social context.


  1. Nach dem Regierungsbeschluss gab es einen starken Widerstand in der Bevölkerung. (After the government decision, there was strong resistance among the population.)
  2. Die Studenten organisierten einen friedlichen Widerstand gegen die Erhöhung der Studiengebühren. (The students organized a peaceful resistance against the increase in tuition fees.)
  3. Er setzte Widerstand gegen die wachsende Korruption in seinem Unternehmen und meldete den Betrug der Polizei. (He resisted the growing corruption in his company and reported the fraud to the police.)\ Visit YouGlish.com

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