


Wohlstand refers to the state of having an abundance of wealth or material possessions. It signifies a high standard of living, financial security, and prosperity. The term is derived from the German words “wohl” meaning well-being and “Stand” meaning state or condition.


The opposite of Wohlstand is Armut, which means poverty. While Wohlstand represents affluence and abundance, Armut signifies a lack of resources and financial hardship.


Some synonyms for Wohlstand include Reichtum (wealth), Vermögen (fortune), Fülle (plenty), and Überfluss (abundance). These words also express the idea of possessing great material resources or financial well-being.


  1. Die Familie lebt in großem Wohlstand und hat ein luxuriöses Haus und mehrere Autos. (The family lives in great prosperity and owns a luxurious house and several cars.)

  2. Durch harte Arbeit hat er seinen eigenen Wohlstand aufgebaut und kann nun ein bequemes Leben führen. (Through hard work, he has built his own wealth and can now lead a comfortable life.)

  3. Der Wohlstand einer Nation hängt oft von der wirtschaftlichen Entwicklung ab. (The prosperity of a nation often depends on its economic development.)\ Visit YouGlish.com

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