


Wolke (noun) refers to a mass of condensed water vapor floating in the atmosphere and obscuring or partially obscuring the sun. In an abstract sense, it can also describe a state of mental confusion or disorientation.


The opposite of a Wolke (cloud) in the literal sense is Himmel (sky), as the sky is clear and free from clouds. In the metaphorical sense, the opposite could be Klarheit (clarity) or Fokus (focus), representing a state of mind where there is no confusion or mental obstructions.


Some synonyms for Wolke in the literal sense are:

  • Nebel (fog)
  • Dunst (haze)
  • Gewölk (cluster of clouds)
  • Schleier (veil)

As for the abstract sense, synonyms could include:

  • Verwirrung (confusion)
  • Unschärfe (blurriness)
  • Trübung (obscuration)
  • Benommenheit (daze)


Literal usage:

  • Die Sonne verschwand hinter einer dichten Wolke. (The sun disappeared behind a dense cloud.)
  • Der Himmel war von prachtvollen Wolkenformationen bedeckt. (The sky was covered in magnificent cloud formations.)

Metaphorical usage:

  • Nach dem Autounfall hatte er eine Wolke im Kopf und konnte nicht klar denken. (After the car accident, he had a cloud in his mind and couldn’t think clearly.)
  • Der Wolke der Desorientierung wich langsam auf, als er sich auf seine Ziele konzentrierte. (The cloud of confusion slowly dissipated as he focused on his goals.)

Remember that Wolke can have different contexts and meanings depending on the situation. It is a versatile word that can describe phenomena in the physical world as well as emotions and mental states.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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