


The word “Word” in German means “word” in English. It refers to a spoken or written unit of language with a distinct meaning. Words are the building blocks of any language and play a significant role in communication.


The opposite of “Word” in German is “Schweigen,” which means “silence” in English. While a word represents an expression or communication, silence signifies the absence of communication or the lack of words.


There are several synonyms for “Word” in German, such as “Ausdruck” (expression), “Vokabel” (vocabulary), or “Wortlaut” (wording). These words can be used interchangeably in various contexts.


  • “Sprechen Sie bitte langsam, damit ich jedes Wort verstehen kann.” (Please speak slowly so that I can understand every word.)
  • “Ich liebe es, neue Wörter zu lernen und mein Vokabular zu erweitern.” (I love learning new words and expanding my vocabulary.)

In conclusion, the German word “Word” is straightforward and holds the same meaning as its English counterpart. It represents an essential element of language, enabling communication and expression. It has synonyms like “Ausdruck,” “Vokabel,” and “Wortlaut,” while its opposite is “Schweigen,” denoting silence.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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