


Zeigen is a German verb that means “to show” or “to indicate.” It is used to express the action of presenting or displaying something. This word is commonly used in various contexts to demonstrate or reveal an object, concept, or idea to someone else.


The opposite of zeige, which means “to show,” is verstecken, which means “to hide.” While zeige involves presenting something to others, verstecken entails concealing or keeping something away from view.


  • Kannst du mir dein neues Buch zeigen? (Can you show me your new book?)
  • Sie versteckte ihr Geschenk und bat ihre Tochter, es zu suchen. (She hid her present and asked her daughter to find it.)


There are several synonyms for zeige, depending on the context in which it is used. Some common synonyms include anzeigen (to display), demonstrieren (to demonstrate), darstellen (to represent), and präsentieren (to present).


  • Der Sprecher zeigte die Ergebnisse der Umfrage auf der Leinwand. (The speaker displayed the survey results on the screen.)
  • Wir möchten Ihnen gerne unsere neuen Produkte präsentieren. (We would like to present our new products to you.)

Zeigen is a versatile word that can be utilized in various situations to convey the act of showing or indicating something. It is an essential component of communication and plays a crucial role in many interactions in both formal and informal settings.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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