Zorn (Anger)

Zorn (Anger)

Zorn, a German word that means anger, is an emotion that can be intense and overwhelming. This emotion is a regular part of human behavior but can be difficult to control when it becomes overwhelming. In this post, we will delve into the various definitions, opposites, synonyms, and examples of Zorn.


Zorn refers to a strong feeling of displeasure, animosity, or resentment towards someone or something. It is associated with feelings of frustration, annoyance, or rage. Anger is a natural human emotion that helps us defend ourselves and express our emotions. It can be directed toward oneself or others, and it can have various degrees of intensity, ranging from mild annoyance to full-blown rage.


The opposite of Zorn is often considered to be calm or tranquility. When someone is calm, they are in a state of peacefulness and relaxation. In contrast, when one is angry, they are fraught with tension, energy, and agitation.


There are various synonyms of Zorn, some of them are:

  • Wut (Wrath)
  • Ärger (Irritation)
  • Empörung (Indignation)
  • Zornig (Angry)

These words carry similar meaning, but there are some distinct differences between each one based on its specific context.


  • Ich spüre Wut auf mich selbst. (I feel angry at myself)
  • Ich bin sehr ärgerlich, weil ich meine Schlüssel verloren habe. (I am very irritated because I lost my keys)
  • Die Empörung in der Bevölkerung ist groß. (The indignation among the populace is high)
  • Sein zorniger Tonfall war sehr unangenehm. (His angry tone of voice was very unpleasant)

In conclusion, Zorn is an integral part of the human experience, from mild irritation to full-blown rage. This post has explored the various definitions, opposites, synonyms, and examples of Zorn. It is essential to manage anger effectively by finding healthy ways to channel it, as uncontrolled anger can lead to unpleasant consequences.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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