Zufälle [noun]

Zufälle [noun]

  • Definition:
    • Meaning 1: coincidences; unexpected occurrences or events that happen by chance
    • Meaning 2: accidents; unintended or sudden events causing damage or injury
  • Opposites:
    • Geplantheiten (planned events)
    • Vorhersehbarkeiten (predictable events)
  • Synonyms:
    • Glückstreffer (stroke of luck)
    • Schicksal (fate)
    • Fügung (providence)
  • Examples:
    1. Es war ein Zufall, dass wir uns am Flughafen getroffen haben. (It was a coincidence that we met at the airport.)
    2. Durch einen ungünstigen Zufall verpasste ich meinen Zug. (Due to an unfortunate accident, I missed my train.)
    3. Der Zufall wollte es, dass ich genau die Person traf, die ich schon lange kennenlernen wollte. (By chance, I happened to meet the exact person I had been wanting to get to know for a long time.)
    4. Bei dem Autounfall wurde niemand verletzt, es handelte sich nur um einen kleinen Sachschaden durch einen Zufall. (No one was injured in the car accident; it was just minor property damage caused by an accident.)

Zufälle can refer to both unexpected coincidences in life and unforeseen accidents. It is commonly used to describe encounters, happenings, or occurrences that occur by chance. The word acknowledges the element of randomness and unpredictability in various situations. Its synonyms include Glückstreffer, referring to a fortunate stroke of luck, and Schicksal, meaning fate. The opposite of Zufälle is Geplantheiten, or planned events, and Vorhersehbarkeiten, meaning predictable events.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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