


Definition: Zufall is the German word for “random” or “chance”. It refers to something that happens or is made to happen without any apparent design or purpose.

Opposite: The opposite of Zufall would be “Absicht” which means intention or purpose.

Synonyms: Synonyms for Zufall include “Glücksfall” (stroke of luck) and “Fügung” (coincidence).


  1. Es war ein reiner Zufall, dass ich dich heute getroffen habe. (It was pure chance that I ran into you today.)
  2. Beim Pokern kommt es nicht nur auf Glück an, sondern auch auf strategische Entscheidungen. (When playing poker, it’s not just about luck, but also about strategic decisions.)

Zufall is a common word used in everyday conversation in German to describe unexpected events or circumstances.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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