Zuhause is a German noun that translates to “home” in English. It refers to the place where someone lives, the dwelling or residence of an individual or a family. It represents a space of personal comfort, security, and belonging.
Unterwegs: This German word means “on the go” or “out and about” and is the opposite of Zuhause. It denotes being away from one’s home, exploring new places, or traveling.
Fremd: Translating to “foreign” or “stranger,” Fremd represents the opposite of Zuhause. It relates to feeling unfamiliar or out of place, lacking a sense of belonging or comfort.
Heim: Synonymous with Zuhause, Heim also means “home” in German. It denotes the same concept of a dwelling or a personal space where one feels safe and comfortable.
Wohnsitz: This word translates to “residence” or “domicile” in English, serving as a synonym for Zuhause. Similar to Zuhause, Wohnsitz refers to the place where someone resides or lives.
“Heute fühle ich mich müde und möchte einfach noch ein paar Stunden zuhause bleiben.” (Today, I feel tired and just want to stay at home for a few more hours.)
“Nach einem langen Tag bei der Arbeit ist es schön, wieder zuhause zu sein und sich auszuruhen.” (After a long day at work, it is nice to be back home and relax.)
“Das gemütliche Zuhause meiner Großeltern in den Bergen ist mein Rückzugsort.” (The cozy home of my grandparents in the mountains is my retreat.)
“Wenn ich im Ausland bin, vermisse ich mein Zuhause und die Vertrautheit meiner eigenen Umgebung.” (When I am abroad, I miss my home and the familiarity of my own surroundings.)
Note: The word “Zuhause” carries a deep emotional significance and may have personal connotations for each individual, evoking unique feelings of comfort, nostalgia, or security.\ Visit YouGlish.com