


Zuhause is a German noun that translates to “home” in English. It refers to the place where someone lives, the dwelling or residence of an individual or a family. It represents a space of personal comfort, security, and belonging.


  • Unterwegs: This German word means “on the go” or “out and about” and is the opposite of Zuhause. It denotes being away from one’s home, exploring new places, or traveling.

  • Fremd: Translating to “foreign” or “stranger,” Fremd represents the opposite of Zuhause. It relates to feeling unfamiliar or out of place, lacking a sense of belonging or comfort.


  • Heim: Synonymous with Zuhause, Heim also means “home” in German. It denotes the same concept of a dwelling or a personal space where one feels safe and comfortable.

  • Wohnsitz: This word translates to “residence” or “domicile” in English, serving as a synonym for Zuhause. Similar to Zuhause, Wohnsitz refers to the place where someone resides or lives.


  • “Heute fühle ich mich müde und möchte einfach noch ein paar Stunden zuhause bleiben.” (Today, I feel tired and just want to stay at home for a few more hours.)

  • “Nach einem langen Tag bei der Arbeit ist es schön, wieder zuhause zu sein und sich auszuruhen.” (After a long day at work, it is nice to be back home and relax.)

  • “Das gemütliche Zuhause meiner Großeltern in den Bergen ist mein Rückzugsort.” (The cozy home of my grandparents in the mountains is my retreat.)

  • “Wenn ich im Ausland bin, vermisse ich mein Zuhause und die Vertrautheit meiner eigenen Umgebung.” (When I am abroad, I miss my home and the familiarity of my own surroundings.)

Note: The word “Zuhause” carries a deep emotional significance and may have personal connotations for each individual, evoking unique feelings of comfort, nostalgia, or security.\ Visit YouGlish.com

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