

Zwar is a common German word that is often used in speech and writing. It is an adverb that means “indeed” or “certainly.”


  • Indeed
  • Certainly
  • To be sure
  • To be precise


  • Tatsächlich
  • Wahrhaftig
  • Allerdings
  • Gewiss
  • Zweifellos


  • Falsch
  • Ungewiss
  • Unsicher
  • Möglicherweise
  • Eventuell


  • Zwar stimme ich zu, aber ich habe meine Bedenken. (Indeed, I agree, but I have my doubts.)
  • Zwar hat der Film gute Kritiken bekommen, aber ich persönlich fand ihn langweilig. (To be sure, the movie received good reviews, but I personally found it boring.)
  • Zwar hat er viel Geld, aber er ist dennoch unglücklich. (Certainly, he has a lot of money, but he is still unhappy.)
  • Zwar war es eine schwere Entscheidung, aber letztendlich habe ich mich dafür entschieden. (To be precise, it was a difficult decision, but ultimately I chose to do it.)
  • Zwar ist es teurer, aber es lohnt sich in Qualität zu investieren. (Indeed it is more expensive, but it is worth investing in quality.)

Overall, Zwar is a useful word that can help add some emphasis or clarity to your German sentences. It’s important to remember its proper usage and when it’s appropriate to use it.\ Visit

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