


Zweifel [tsvaɪfəl] is a German noun that translates to “doubt” in English. It is derived from the verb “zweifeln,” which means “to doubt.” Zweifel refers to the state of uncertainty or skepticism towards something.


  • Unsicherheit (uncertainty)
  • Skepsis (skepticism)
  • Misstrauen (distrust)


The opposite of Zweifel is Vertrauen, which means “trust.” When someone has Zweifel, they question or hesitate in trusting something or someone. The opposite of doubt is trust, as it signifies a belief or confidence.


Here are a few examples to illustrate the usage of Zweifel:

  1. “Ich habe Zweifel an seiner Ehrlichkeit.” (I have doubts about his honesty.)
  2. “Sie hat starke Zweifel an dem Erfolg des Projekts.” (She has strong doubts about the success of the project.)
  3. “Trotz meiner Zweifel entschied ich mich, ihm zu vertrauen.” (Despite my doubts, I decided to trust him.)

Zweifel can be used in various contexts, such as personal relationships, professional decisions, or evaluating the credibility of information. It is a versatile word that represents an essential aspect of critical thinking and analysis.\ Visit

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